Friday, November 19, 2004

Would you, could you in a box? Would you, could you with a....

Purchased the DVD of BEFORE SUNSET today. My newly aquired Atlanta Falcons cap is doffed in the direction of Richard Linklater. It takes a lot of courage to craft a riveting and honest screenplay where emotionally wizend "thirty-something" wayfarers openly bitch while candidly conversing about their experiment at life. More importantly it makes you realize just how precious a gift this crazy, carousel jaunt around the sun deemed "reality" actually is. It seems to be a blessing, even when a tangible void is sifting inside our chests. I remember hearing a Joseph Campbell lecture where he was pretty much saying:

"Life is pain, life is suffering, life is heart-break--but damnit kiddo you're REALLY LIVING. You're alive. You are ACTIVELY participating in an event. "

Maybe the reason our society wants everything to be bigger and faster and more connected is because, individually inside, our western world feels spiritually severed and emotionally disparate.

Lately I've been guzzling cheap wine in the literary gutter, waiting for my mediocre muse to finish buttoning up her dress and meet me in the bedroom. Assinine school assignments mixed with potent late night shots of work have been monopolizing all of my time and when this periodically occurs I begin to feel completely insignificant. Worthless. My writing (if you can't tell) begins to slow down and stale; little pond green patches of mold slowly crusts into each paragraph like a toe fungus.

Yet still--I try to remind myself that I, personally have never had it that bad. Even if you're homeless in America, you can always find a soup kitchen; you can always find some library like ours whose internet caters your freedom to your every fetish.

I try to remind myself about world hunger. About AIDS in Africa. About how 98% of the creatures grazing on this planet are fucked from the outset. That they'll never have anyone to love. That their primary concern is just trying to locate an imminent source of nourishment.

I try to think about how 80% of my fellow brothers and sisters will never pick up a book. Will never learn to write a complete sentence

But still it's all good. This moment of being; grasping the eternal palm of that eternal someone who is always stationed inside of you.

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