Monday, November 22, 2004

Who said the Concourse Doesn't occasionally bend their lips and smile?!

So a very cool thing happened to me today and I was told by my Professor "Not to tell," which of course, outside of a few confessional gmails of gratitude to eternal angels always inside of me I didn't, until I saw beautiful and blithe Heather downstairs, a young sophomore writer with red hair, freckles, no boobs and braces. She reminds me of Lisa Simpson. She checks out heaps of books every week and reminds me ALOT of myself when I was reading everything (although she's 50 times smarter than I'll ever be)...

I've had a petite school boy blushy crush on Heather for about a month. I guessed correctly that she, in all likihood won her gradeschool spelling bee.

Honest I wasn't going to tell her, but when I sat down next to her and saw that she was reading CS LEWIS' THE FOUR LOVE....I felt like I had no choice but to oblige!

Now, I have to tell/show my mother. And hear her again and again say,"Why do you always write about sex, David!" over thanskgiving dinner.

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