Tuesday, November 09, 2004

A perched Lizard on my shoulder, a lotta love cached in my Heart...

BEFORE SUNSET comes out on DVD today!!!! Plus I think my hot lit-prof. was giving me the eye today!!!! She kept swirling her hair and biting on her bangs and blushing everytime I said something in class today. The mara Lizard perched on my shoulder just morphed into TROJAN MAN......

Did I mention she's Mara-arried?

Did I mention I'm an overworked lonely as hell monk with only a phonebook sized abstruse novel that no one wants to buy to keep me company. Did I mention I've been avg. five hours sleep a night while keeping house for an aged mystic who keeps going out of his way to please me.

Did I mention life is beautiful and weird at the same time.

Did I mention there's no spiritual attraction at all. Just an intense physical and intellectual tug.

Did I mention when God gives you mana from heaven don't bitch about being hungry.

Did I mention that I've been plotting ways to seduce Lizard-Mara all day?

Go to her office. Slowly drop her annotated copy of TO THE LIGHTHOUSE off the shelf.

Did I mention that I turned the other way like a freak when I saw her today outside of class even though I should have been more gallant. More flirty.

Did I mention I have zippo clue on how to handle the situation expcept for (like I do with everything) write a short story. Some people have blinders keepin' the slanted sun from burning through their windows. I have sentences keeping the sad truth of reality from staining my heart.

Did I mention that it's a rarity when you truly "connect" with someone in a world where everything is already connencted. Mara-Modems, Mara-macintoshes, Mara-cell phone static...

Did I mention that this unalloyed connection is what most people live for.....

Did I mention, sometimes, when you're totally confused, life suddenly appears golden?

Did I mention my best friend of sixteen years just got back together with his w(hore)ife, even though she banged one of the groomsmen THREE weeks after the wedding?

Did I mention I got two A's on my last project?

Did I mention BEFORE SUNSET comes out on DVD today.

Did I mention life is good, even if nothing comes of the situation. After all, nothing beats being lauded for who you are. Even a naked angel is totally alone and frustrated in the bedroom.

SQUISH! I think a MARA-SUV just flattened my lizard.

1 comment:

David Von Behren said...

I hear ya brother (sorry girls, locker room blather)damn classy-intellectual-I-know-what-I-want-right-now girls are trouble!!!

I think the worst case scenario would be if I did end up sleeping with her and she ended up giving me a C on my final project.

Lil' D: A "C!"

Prof. Lapdance Lizard: I'm sorry, but even though you may be brilliant in the classroom, you're only avg. in the....

get what I'm saying....Guess I'll have to experience all my naughtiness via MICROSOFT OFFICE rather than her OFFICE hours.....