Monday, May 02, 2005

Kamikaze Countdown...

Novel due on Prof.'s desk in nine days. Today, retype the rest of the thirty pages that I lost. Try to go through my Glossaria and employ opperative moves. Say fare-thee-well to fellow Chambers classmates (George still has both my copies of Before Sunrise/set). Se Bulls take a hopeful 3-1 lead in playoffs with Best friend.....

Dirt tired and in dire need of caffeine....

Sunday, May 01, 2005


Write! Write! Write! Write like your life depended on it, boy!

Seven hundred page "draft" of my novel (my very corpulent, four year old daughter who for some reason goes by the disgusting name of 'Yellow Monkey Bars & Unbidden Erections: A failed campaign') is due on Dr. Palakeel's desk a week from Wed--and all I can due is bitch that I have to retype forty pages that I lost......

Gotta get motivated. Gotta get crazy. Eschew the urge for spontaneous feminine contact and write!!!!!!!!!

Back to work young man, you've got a long way too go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!