Friday, February 04, 2005

Faretheewell Fellow Bloggers....

On the three year anniversary of his Father's Death, Little David has decided to take a blogging -bymonth and pursue a cyberspatial sabbatical.

I've written five (!!!) quality short stories (and reams of poems) in the last coulple of weeks and now comes the task simply to market them and to keep on writing. I love blathering my life away into the jaws of the keyboard in front of cyber soulmates and total strangers but in all honsety I sort of took up writing as a vocation 'bout ten years ago and I can't tell you how much it would mean to me if I could make a steady income from this shit. Can't tell you how much it would mean if I could support a love-mate from my writing, to help someone grow, to help other crazy seekers locate their joy and bliss.....

Also need to Kill the Dragon Thou Shalt. Note to dearest Sister A, if you really want to rid yourself of the lizard quit wearing glittery stitches of "Dragons" on your jeans. As all the sages note, Dragons and Lizards horde things--"Heaps o Gold and beautiful virgins"--and they don't know what to do with either of them, they just remain stuck....

I've been stuck in front of my own dragon for a long ass time. Now its time for me to go into battle, lace myself with the armor I've gleaned and not look back....

Big Deadline begining of March. I'll be back with a new set of wheels, tons of legends and, of course, the scalely hide scalped from the carcass of a lost lizard...

Kick some ass for me out there!!!!!!!!!!!!