Sunday, October 24, 2004

Still waiting for that fat lady to open her mouth and....



Too much work. Sunday commences with little david popping a hole in his air matress, spilling a mug of java on his new Red Sox t-shirt (my ex-girlfriend still has my favorite one) and arriving into work at 9:45 a.m., where he works until two, takes a leeeetle nap, comes back in around six p.m. and leaves at three a.m. Monday morning....


Had a good writing day though. A great writing day! As you can probably tell by assaying my bloggs, I'm a sloppy first draft writer who all too quickly dashes out long-winded sentences that look like alphabetical train tracks leading to nowhere.

It took me a long time to realize that a.) writing is not a sacred art unless you're Persian and were born in 1844 b.) quit stroking your goatee and adjusting your beret and write for people to glean pleasure and smile c.) Re-write, re-write, re-write!!!!!

By re-writing I basically cut. A paragraph here. A stinted image there. It's like circumcision.( "All the girls are crazy about it"--Mel Brooks)....When I first write something I get really excited. My fingers move into the linguistic loft of the keybaord and, like drunken rocks stars, trash the room into shreds and syllables. I love the intial rush of composition, and there's no better feeling in the world then tapping out ten pages, clicking save, watching your new born child enter the world through the slit of a printer. When this happens I feel like I've acompolished something. Sometimes I look at the pages in paw and (like the beautiful photograph I found on-line this weekend and just can't stop drooling over for the life of me) almost fall in love.

Rewriting is like looking at Mara without her make-up on and still managing to fall in love. I have to efface images that I get but other readers don't. I have to take out a line that may be offensive. Ocassionally, I trash the whole thing.

ahhhhhh........Love it. Maybe someday the fat lady will open her mouth and.......

......yawn. ZZZZZZZZZ. I still have three more hours to go.

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