found myself in the front row of an awards ceremony in the auditorium of my grade school. There was an award for Sasha Cohen (hotty, red headed femaleOlympic figure skater) only Sasha was crippled andI carried her onto the stage. As I was ferrying her upto the podium I whispered to her that nothing turns me on more than watching someone who is "suffering overcome"I then kissed her pasty neck (which perturbed her) and then returned to my seat alone. After the ceremony I was helping to tear down the podium and chairs on the stage when sasha clattered up to me. She looked ravishing, was wearing a reddress and red shoes ( here's a pic I found later the next day)and the minute I saw her accosting me I knew she was a mystic.She was no longer crippled and the second she came close to me She pushed me down, supine on my back, straddled her limbsaround my torso and demanded, "Give me your palm!" (Note:pleaseremember Sasha's straddle first technique the next time you read my palm) She looked at my palm and immediately inquired: "So what's her name?" So I relayed the whole Diggory-Polly antics of our beloved dance, mentioning your name to herin my dream. She then continued to loose herself inside mypalm like a mirror for what seemed like dream days. I toldher more about our rapport but she seemed lost solely in my palm...I to the hand.....

dreamt 1-17-07
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