Walking in a metropolitan city, lost and ai run into my ex-girlfriend Ash classy long-haired girl from Nepal. We seclude ourselves in an area. Ash hoists up her skirt and flashes me. I then avail my own inheritance towards her. I ask her if she has been with anyone else since last we departed and she said she has been with three men. She then bends over and I begin to make love to her. I have three empty beer silos scattered around the ottoman like candles and I find myself screwing her in my place of employment. When my boss inquires where the beer candles came from I tell him that I found them outside and that I had planned to recycle them. I pull out of Ash and my other boss comes in and tells me that I am being suspended. When I ask what for he begins to tell me just as I am waking up…
dreamt January 10th/2010
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