I am all alone in a house that resembles 443 and 1116 Bradley avenue, in an apartment that is dilapidated and messy. Cat shit everywhere, heaps of books and manuscripts and clothes, all waiting too, in the immortal maxim of Iron John, be “bucketed.” The house was a mess and I was nervous that my roommate, the dapperly groomed Dave Thompson (perhaps the wild man,) would come home and find the house in a disorderly state of flux—apprehensive that he would be pissed that the house (his property) was not properly bucketed (or in the Iron John story, taken care of)…..my next door neighbors, B___ and Megan, came over in their panties and we began to dance. One is blonde and one is brunette and I cozened both of them into lower their panties to the bony caps of their knees so that I might gaze into the oracle of their dream vaginas. I then asked the blonde if I could make love to her and after hesitating a minute she nodded and I grappled her by the wrist, escorting her into the flotsam and jetsam of Dave’s bedroom, which I was supposed to have cleaned. I found an over sized condom (possibly used) on the floor and put it on even though it made my own virile inheritance seem small. After making love the blonde both of the dream sirens dissipated through the bedroom window. I was then worried because the house was even messier than before and that time was running out to clean it before my princely room mate arrived home. There was a knock and it was an old lover of my roomates whom I have never met before. He said he had a “key” that I was to give to dave when he arrived. The key apparently was to the apartment and it belonged to Dave Thompsons ex-roommate Dave Beamish who later on had betrayed Dave. I told his lover that I didn’t feel right taking the key since the house was still a mess but Dave’s ex-lover insisted and then continued to stay in the giant house, assisting me in my cleaning duties, showing me which drawers certain objects were meant to be contained in.
(Dreamt morning of sept 4th 2007)****
Dream where I am watching my father on his deathbed (spoonfeeding him some sort of stew with visible carrots bobbing in the taupe colored broth). God (wearing a turban) was also in the room and I implored him, begged him, supplicated on the caps of my knees for assistance— beckoning the deity to spare my fathers earthly life--a request he sternly refused to grant. The dream was punctuated watching my fathers open lips empty into a chasm of death before I wielded the tips of dual middle fingers into the direction of God and damned him in spattered fume of anger and in words.
--later that morning I would hear from my muse that her sister's father-in-law had passes away at the time I was having the dream..........
Dream morning November 3rd, 2007, dreamt in a bedroom at moms house***
I was living in a house on Moss avenue (right hand side if roving towards heading, perched black copper flat top arched mid-way between the zenith of the heavensit was an overcast day and my high school English teacher Larry Reents owned the building. I was flanked by both of my siblings. Inside the house there were riches beyond number (plus a funky looking arabesque escalator of sorts) but first we had cleaning to accomplish. Before we could finish all the work the house was broken into and I hid behind the emerald drape of a curtain, hoping never to be found
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