friend of mine, in this swanky futuristic celebrity restaurant right on the banks overlooking the Seine where you needed to have reservations months in advance. The tables, chairs, plates and even the walls on the restaurant were all completely translucent, so you could watch the expressions in the people on both sidewalk and the river as they past by. Bailey and I had tickets to go see the opera and I was waiting for her to change into her evening dress before we conquered the cultural decadence that is Parisian nightlife To get to Paris Bailey and I had to traipse through the MC ECHERESQUEmaze that was located inside her sorority house (about a block away from my old house in the atlas of my dreams) where there was a staircase and a ceiling but no floor and we kept thinking we got to the deck on the roof even though we kept finding ourselves back on the first floor with fellow chi omegas, respectively jeering at us. When we finally arrived at the top of the Chi house we surveyed the neighborhood where I grew up and then we took a translucent plane to Paris (????) where he had plans to lavish ourselves inside a fancy restaurant before hitting up the opera.
While I was waiting for Bailey to change for the opera I decided to traipse around Paris and revisit a few of the haunts that I remembered visiting the first time I was enamored by the City of Lights fourteen years earlier. I decided to look for a Green cathedral (hmmmmm) that I had never seen before but that looked familiar and beautiful and was located in a dilapidated section of town. After I found the green cathedral I turned around and saw you, followed by your two children and sister, getting off of a train. We embraced for what seemed like hours and held hands (tight) and I escorted you back to the restaurant and introduced you as my muse and spiritual dance partner to all of the celebrities in the cafe (ok, Stiffler from American Pie admittedly isn't exactly a celebrity, but still). I could feel the light of your smile emanating on the back of my neck as I promulgated presence of my inspiration. Bailey then arrived, looking ravishing and I told her that I would have to jip the opera since I turned around and espied the color of the name of my muse.
The eternity we spent joyfully wading around the mystical labyrinth of Paris was nothing short of woods between the world vintage From The Vault Diggory and Polly can't stop firing IM's into the cyber island of her smile for the life of me Park bench peaceful and perfect in its entirety. It felt good to have the proximity of your voice and the syllables of your breath sail into the coast my body again. We walked along the Seine and through many old cobbled streets. I spent quite a bit of time running around with your son, before he became envious at all the time we were spending together and told his aunt that the scratch he had on his right palm was from me (he later tearfully recanted)....the dream ended with the five of us in a carriage, perhaps headed back to the train station for you to carry on with your journey.
After I awoke I thought of the Arthurian Legend of Sir Gawain and The Green Knight where Gawain jettisons the temptation of Lusts while audaciously arriving at the Green chapel to meet his presumed death. Am butt exhausted but still managed to piss out five pages today. It is spring, Here's to Paris and dreams and to changing the world and giving all and asking for nothing in return.